

Dolomite is an important rock-forming mineral that named is French mineralogist Déodat Gratet de Dolomieu. It is a colorless to white, pale brown, grayish, reddish, or pink mineral. Its crystals are commonly rhombohedral or tabular, often have curved faces, and sometimes cluster in saddle-shaped aggregates. Dolomite may be striated horizontally and twinned. Some crystals may be up to 2 in (5 cm) long. It can also be coarse to fine granular, massive, and, rarely, fibrous.

Polymorphism & Series: Forms two series, with ankerite and with kutnohorite.

Mineral Group: Dolomite group.

Name: Honors Dieudonne (D´eodat) Sylvain Guy Tancr`ede de Gratet de Dolomieu (1750–1801), French geologist and naturalist, who contributed to early descriptions of the species in dolostone.

Association: Fluoritebaritecalcite, siderite, quartz, metal sulfides (hydrothermal); calcite, celestine, gypsum, quartz (sedimentary); talc, serpentine, magnesite, calcite, magnetite, diopside, tremolite, forsterite, wollastonite (metamorphic); calcite, ankerite, siderite, apatite (carbonatites).


Dolomite is the main constituent in dolomite rocks and dolomitic marbles. It occurs as a replacement deposit in limestone affected by magnesium-bearing solutions, in talc schists, and in other magnesium-rich metamorphic rocks. Dolomite is found in hydrothermal veins associated with lead, zinc, and copper ores. It is also found in altered, silica-poor igneous rocks, in some carbonatites, and in serpentinites. Crystals of dolomite frequently form in cavities in limestone and marble.

Chemical Properties of Dolomite

Chemical ClassificationCarbonate
Chemical CompositionCaMg(CO3)2
Common ImpuritiesFe,Mn,Co,Pb,Zn

Physical Properties of Dolomite

ColorColorless, white, pink, green, gray, brown, black
LusterVitreous, pearly
CleavagePerfect, rhombohedral, three directions
DiaphaneityTransparent to translucent
Mohs Hardness3.5 to 4
Crystal SystemHexagonal
Density2.84 – 2.86 g/cm3 (Measured)    2.876 g/cm3 (Calculated)
PartingNoted in lamellar twins on {0221}. Twin gliding on {0221};

Optical Properties of Dolomite

Dolomite PPL

Dolomite XPL

RI values:nω = 1.679 – 1.681 nε = 1.500 – 1.503
TwinningCommon as simple contact twins
Optic SignUniaxial (-)
Optical ExtinctionParallel


Formed by diagenesis or hydrothermal metasomatism of limestone; a primary phase in hypersaline sedimentary environments; a major component of some contact metamorphic rocks and marbles; a gangue in hydrothermal veins; in carbonatites and ultramafic rocks.

Uses Area

Construction aggregate

Cement manufacture

Dimension stone,

Calcined to produce lime,

Sometimes an oil and gas reservoir,

A source of magnesia for the chemical industry, agricultural soil treatments,

Metallurgical flux


A major rock-forming mineral, abundant worldwide with numerous commercial uses. Some localities for fine examples include: