

1st Grade

Raisins are extremely good for you. Humans have known this for thousands of years, as there is proof that raisins were made even by the Ancient Egyptians. The funny thing is that today, raisins are still made using the same method of drying the grapes in the sun.

The main health benefits of raisins are:

Normalized digestion.

Seedless grapes from Food To Live® are a great source of dietary fiber. They help your digestive tract work efficiently.

Improved general wellbeing.

Most raisins benefits come from their high nutrient content, which means they provide you with the elements necessary for supporting your overall health.

Please note that raisins are toxic for dogs, so do not share them with your pet.

Raisins Nutrition Value

Dried fruit & raisins contain lots of minerals, carbs, and natural sugar. The most important raisins nutrients are iron and potassium. In fact, dried grapes are one of the best iron sources.

Raisins are not fattening if eaten in moderation, and they can benefit any weight management program due to their high fiber content.